
Hello and thanks for visiting Shawn’s Movement World!My name is Shawn Kitzman and on this blog, I share my passion, my work, my art of exploring the potential of the human body. I am constantly researching, testing, refining and adapting my practice both personally and professionally. Doing this allows me to produce work which helps athletes recover from injuries and elevate their performance.

I have been practicing Movement Therapies since 1992 when I began my study of Martial Arts. Since then I have had the great pleasure of learning from many high level Martial Artists and becoming a student of a few. Martial Arts helped me to develop a methodology of testing my practice to see if it would hold up under pressure. It is one thing for a technique to work in isolation, with no resistance or gravity, it is another for it to work against a partner/opponent who is resisting and countering your movements. This is also true with injuries.

During my Senior year of High School I discovered Powerlifting. I lifted from 1993-’00 competing about 5 times in that span. Powerlifting was a great education for me in pushing the body mentally, emotionally and physically. My training taught me that it takes a long time to become proficient in movement and even longer to master it. Benching, squatting and deadlifting are not super sexy movements but much can be learned from practicing them and learning the finer details.

In 1997 I began my Massage Therapy training attending a local Massage School, in school I found my love for working with injuries. I began my practice in 2000 and have worked with/in/for chiropractors, a holistic wellness center, my own private practice, a racket club and the location that is best suited for my passion and skill sets a gym.

In “06 I  stumbled across the Kettlebell in a magazine and began my practice in the fall of ’07. Kettlebells have been an incredible movement practice for me, helping me to breakdown movements I had learned in my Powerlifting days along with helping me to understand why the body needs the glutes, hamstrings and spinal erectors to function well. I have used the Kettlebell both personally and professionally to rehab injuries, restore balance to body and improve performance in athletes ranging from martial artists, basketball, soccer, lacrosse players, powerlifters and triathletes.

While I was following a thread on Facebook in late ’11 I discovered a post by the creator of NeuroKinetic Therapy® (NKT®) David Weinstock, after following his work with much interest, I was able to bring him to Michigan for NKT®Level 1 in ’12. I am a certified NKT® Level 2 practitioner and utilize NKT® in my practice with all of my clients. This very powerful and diverse method allows me to address my clients injuries and search for the root cause, helping them to get back in the game and enhance their performance.

I am currently practicing in Fenton Michigan. I take clients by appointment only M-F and see them either in 1/2 hr or 1 hour appointments. If you would like to schedule an appointment you can do so by contacting me at shawnsynergymt@gmail.com.

Practice Makes Improvement 🙂



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